Thursday, August 21, 2008

Race and Redemption

In Eph 3.10 Paul tells us that the church is a display of the "manifold wisdom of God."

"The compound adjective meaning 'manifold, variegated, very many sided' was poetic in origin referring to an intricately woven pattern of 'many-coloured cloaks' or the manifold hues of a 'garland of flowers.' It is used here in a figurative sense to speak of the richly diversified nature of divine wisdom." (O'brien, Ephesians, 245).

In Eph 2.11 - 22 it is clear that the Christ has broken down in his flesh the dividing wall of hostility that existed between Jews and Gentiles and effected a reconciliation between ethnicities and cultures. So then, the 'manifold wisdom of God' includes, amongst other things, a multi-racial, multi-cultural community being united as fellow-members in the body of Christ.

What are some challenges we face in manifesting this reality of God's wisdom in our lives, relationships, ministries and churches? What could some solutions be?